Special Needs Dentistry in Levittown, NY

We specialize in treating very young children with special needs!
My Town's Little Dentist proudly treats special needs children in Levittown, NY. Call 516-226-7337 to make an appointment.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists defines a person with special healthcare needs as someone who has a physical, developmental, sensory, mental, cognitive, behavioral, or emotional impairment or condition that requires medical management, health care intervention, and/or specialized programs or services. This could include children on the autism spectrum, those with developmental delays, kids with limited mobility, and many more. If your child has any condition that requires extra help or extra time and patience, our office is the place for your family.
Our dentists have over two years of special training in providing pediatric dental care for children with special needs. We understand that even routine healthcare can be a bit more challenging for your child, and we will go out of our way to create a positive experience.
Dental Care for Children with Special Healthcare Needs
Children with special healthcare needs are no different from anyone else when it comes to needing regular dental services such as exams, cleanings, and even the occasional filling. Those with conditions that affect their oral-facial structures need even more specialized care. Yet injuries, illnesses, and various conditions can make it tough for kids to sit down, open their mouths, and proceed with a regular appointment.
A Special Needs Dentist Appointment
For kids with special healthcare needs, the entire rhythm of the dentist appointment is different. Our dentists will tailor their approach to the child’s individual needs. For example, we may schedule an extra-long appointment for a kid with sensory issues who may need a break during the session. Depending on the extent of your child’s needs, we may schedule an initial consultation or phone call with you to determine the best way to go about accommodating your child before scheduling his appointment.
We offer both laughing gas and IV sedation in our office, and some children with special healthcare needs may benefit from one of these sedation options. When administering IV sedation, we use a medical anesthesiology team consisting of either one anesthesiologist and one nurse or two anesthesiologists, along with equipment that is identical to that used in the most modern hospitals.
If you are in the Levittown area and are looking for a pediatric dentist that is skilled in treating children with special needs, we invite you to call our office at 516-226-7337 to schedule an appointment.